Pricing and ordering


These options don't meet your needs?

Click here to go to our on-line quote request system where more options are available, and you can ask for a quote customised to your precise requirements

If you need help designing your job, click here.

Calculate an exact price in real time!

Get a base price for the quantity you require by clicking on the
quantity drop down menu on the left.

Customise your order using the options below.
The Price Abacus will update to reflect the choices you make.

Paper choices

 paper descriptions and advice

File transfer method

Submit your order!

When all of the above information is correct, click below to submit your order and, if you have chosen to do so, your file will begin uploading to our server.

It may take quite some time to complete the upload depending on your file size and the speed of your internet connection.

When your upload is complete, you will get a screen with your order number, confirming the successful completion of your order. In addition, you will receive an email confirmation, sent to the email address you have entered, to confirm the above information. If you don't get a confirmation email or you suspect that your connection was lost or something else went wrong, please phone us for assistance.

Before sending your order, please double check the following important things.

  • I have supplied my fonts and high resolution images. Please note that for PDF files your fonts must be embedded.
  • I have converted all my images from RGB to CMYK.
  • If my job prints right to the edge of the page, I have added bleeds.
  • I have compressed my files using WinZip or Stuffit.

Click here to open our 'How to prepare your files' page, where all of these things are explained.

The information is all correct 

Having trouble uploading your file?

Check our Upload Help page for assistance.